Heftklammernbehälter (Office Finisher, integrierter Finisher, BR Finisher & Offline-Hefter)

Original Xerox-Verbrauchsmaterialien werden nach einem speziellen Konzept entwickelt und hergestellt, um optimale Druckqualität und gleichbleibend gute Druckergebnisse zu garantieren.
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Kein Lagerbestand. Lieferung erwartet.
Heftklammernbehälter für Finisher mit Broschürenmodul

Booklet Maker Staples, 4 Cartridges x 5,000 each, Phaser 7760
This coil of staples is ideal for use with the booklet maker feature of the Phaser 7760 printer. Booklet maker staples are simple to replace, and they easily turn documents into saddle-stitched booklets for your convenience. These staples were engineered specifically for unparalleled performance with the Phaser 7760 Professional Finisher.
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Kein Lagerbestand. Lieferung erwartet.
Nachfüll-Heftklammern für Advanced & Professional Finisher & Offline-Hefter

Engineered specifically for unparalleled performance and simple replacement, our staple pack contains three cartridges for your convenience, ensuring professional finished quality documents any time you need them. These staples may be used in both the Professional Finisher and Advanced Finisher for the Phaser 7760 printer.
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Kein Lagerbestand. Lieferung erwartet.